Wildlife and travel jobs for Africa!

  • About the Museum
  • Structure
  • Shows & Courses
  • Lectures & Talks
  • Special Happenings
  • Contacts & Bookings
  • Title
    Moving animals


    (To book, go to the Enquiry Form)

    Lectures are given as educational talks to school groups, usually with a worksheet to promote active participation. A tour of either the whole museum or the relevant section forms part of each lecture.

    Man's early beginnings

    Preschool Grades 1 - 3 Grades 4 - 5
    Birds Birds in the garden Beneficial and harmful animals
    Frogs Animals in the garden Reproduction and parental care in animals
    Insects Reptiles Dinosaurs
    Reptiles   Family tree of animals
    Mammals   Feeding habits
    Spiders   Ecology
    Rocks and Minerals (Geoscience Museum)   Early man
        Understanding Planet Earth (Geoscience Museum)

    Grades 8 - 9 Grades 10 - 12 General Interest
    Reproduction Classification of animals The Transvaal Museum
    Secretion and excretion in animals Invertebrates Early man
    Evolution Vertebrates Evolution
    Ecology Ultrastructure of the cell  
    Our ever-changing Earth (Geoscience Museum) Population dynamics  
      Mineral resources & our changing world (Geoscience Museum)  

    Illustrated talks
    Illustrated talks are given by Transvaal Museum staff for adults and senior school students. This includes the following:

    • Beginner's Course in Insect Identification - various staff members
    • Snakes, Scorpions & Spiders: Treating Bites - Mr Wulf Haacke
    • Prehistory Of Humankind in Southern Africa - various staff members
    • History of Mother Earth - Dr Patrick Bender (actually several subjects, including Continental Drift, Volcanoes, Meteorites, Weathering and Erosion, etc)
    • Taxonomy: Man's oldest profession - Dr Chuck Bellamy
    • Medical and Agriculture Importance of Rodents - Dr Chris Chimimba
    • An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles - Dr Chuck Bellamy
    • Biodiversity: What is It and Why is it Important? - Dr Chuck Bellamy
    • Biology of Bats - Dr Naas Rautenbach
    • Mammals: Sex, Age and Other Things - Dr Chris Chimimba
    • Museums: What Are They, Why Do We Need Them, What Can They Do For Us? - Suzanne Prinsloo and Karin Scott
    • Spiders and Scorpions - Dr Martin Filmer
    • Butterflies and Flowers - Dr Martin Kruger
    • Bones of a Different Kind - Dr Ina Plug and Colleagues
    • Prehistoric Technology: Stone Age vs Iron Age - Dr Ina Plug
    • Biology of Lizards - Mr Martin Whiting
    • Reptile Diversity, Identification and Evolution - Mr Wulf Haacke
    • Recording and Analysis of Bird Calls - Mr Anthony van Zyl
    • The Business of Being a Bird - Dr Alan Kemp
    • Birds of Prey - Dr Alan Kemp
    • One Day Behind the Scenes in Palaeontology - Dr Francis Thackeray
    • Natural History Museums: What Makes Them Special? Suzanne Prinsloo and Karin Scott
    • Taxidermy - Mr Gerhard Erasmus
    • Entomology Courses: A lecture PLUS a field trip! - various staff members

    (For more wildlife events, visit the Wildlife Diary.)